Archive for March 23rd, 2010

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010


Full marks to David Milliband, the Foreign Secretary for his  condemnation of the Israeli Government and his expulsion of one of its senior diplomats from the U.K. Rarely do we hear such robust talk from the FCO and very good news this is. I have long advocated a much tougher line with Israel both in my book and in this blog and I am very glad to see it happening not only here but across the Atlantic also.

There can be no prospect of peace or even negotiations with current Israeli foreign policy and if it has to be isolated to come to its senses so be it. It is useless for it to whine that it is an ally in the Middle East. For some time now it has done more harm than good. It needs to change its direction. The prize of peace is priceless for all who suffer in the current stand-off and enmity. For Israel it is the most priceless of all. It cannot be, nor will it be, on its terms alone.