Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

The Economy: The Problems

August 30, 2024 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Great Britain, as it was then mostly known, was the leader of the industrial revolution. We assembled the largest empire in the history of the world, out of our ability to build ships and railways and every single component of both manufacturing and consumption. Self sufficiency and independence were a given. Now, manufacturing accounts for […]

Anger Grows: Is This Good or Bad?

August 11, 2024 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

My holiday from blogging and writing generally is coming to an end.  It seems the right moment. Renewal is the political buzz word now.  A new government has brought a change of mood. Relief at one level, but anger at another. Public morale is lifted by Olympic medals but is dampened by the realisation that […]

Will The Chaos Never End?

September 3, 2023 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Not yet anyway. Meanwhile it is strikes, the NHS, collapsing concrete, passing the buck, high interest rates,  falling house prices or a government of musical chairs unable apparently to get a grip or exercise control.  All of this unending bad news stems from two related ideologies. One is that the individual is greater than the […]

Ownership, Responsibility, Accountability

August 20, 2023 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There is an unwelcome culture now embedded in the English structure through which the State and its outsourcing satellites runs our public services. Or responds to unexpected emergencies and events. Late or never delivery, cover ups, buck passing and warnings ignored are no longer the exception but the rule. This has to change because while […]

Three Small Points About Big Things

August 6, 2023 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

NHS Reports of using spare capacity in the private health sector to help deal with backlogs in the NHS make sense. In the short term this is the obvious route to improvement, as it does not require massive reorganisation of the NHS. To be effective it needs to be disciplined and working to a programme, […]

NHS: Rebuilding a Functional Service

July 30, 2023 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

As I said in my last post, the organisational structure of the NHS, both medical and administrative, is dysfunctional. Unless you are addicted to queues, waiting lists and  needless suffering. Failure to actually deal with these issues, apart from tinkering, promises and announcements, now threatens the very future of the NHS as a public service. […]

NHS: Bold Ideas for Reform

July 23, 2023 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

I have discussed in previous posts the bewildering systems of managing and funding the NHS, including the broad outline of a better financial model. Today it is time to look at an outline of a way a rejuvenated NHS can be built and managed. We start with the general structure of control and direction. From […]