Archive for March 19th, 2010

Friday, March 19th, 2010

Sacking Social Workers

I know when people fail in their jobs it is right for them to move on, but I am not comfortable with the whole business of blaming social workers when these terrible child deaths occur.

Those who follow all my projects will know that I have campaigned for root and branch change in this whole system of assessing, responding to and resolving the legal issues of vulnerable children. The present set up is unwieldy and unfair to the social workers involved and will fail time and again. It also fails when the issue of child wrongdoing escalates into child crime. I wonder how many more reports will be written, how many more children will die and how many more social workers will be blamed before some government of whatever make up, sees a better way forward. I am ready to help and I have a map.

But who am I?

Just an outsider. An elderly dad who watched his daughter die because in her case the system was over zealous, over the top and driven by medics who were wrong. It is not the usual kind of qualification expected of experts, but believe me, it is a qualification none the less.