Archive for April 7th, 2016

Ukraine And EU: Dutch Vote No.

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

This Blog has been consistently against the western expansion of the EU and especially to any formal relationship with the Ukraine. So it is pleasing to see that the Dutch voted against the pre-applicant status that was proposed by one or other of the various opaque organs of governance which drive the EU wagon. This concession to the Ukraine has to be ratified by each member country. Although the vote was on a low turnout, it serves to emphasise that the EU public are more assertive than before. This is good for democracy.

The current Ukraine government has a lot wrong with it. It came to power as a consequence of the previous legitimately elected administration and its president being toppled by street protests and riots in which far right Nazi admirers played a major role. It then fomented conditions which led to civil war and the loss to separatists of large parts of its country for which it blames everybody else. Wherever this is going is hard to predict, but it cannot be into the EU. If and when GB is playing a constructive role in Europe again it needs to add its No to the whole Ukraine project.

Browse My Books

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

BROWSE MY BOOKS WITH THESE LINKSAn image posted by the author.

Malcolm Blair-Robinson U.S        

Malcolm Blair-Robinson UK

Brexit Thoughts 7: Leaflet Rage

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

The government has decided to spend £9 million (to government the expenditure equivalent of an ice-cream) on leaflets to be sent to all of us, explaining why we are have having this absurd referendum, what the value of belonging to the EU is and what are the risks of leaving, organised into a simple factual format. Very good.

Leave have gone bananas. That’s just too bad. If it were not for their endless agitation we would not be wasting the £70 million plus it is costing to stage this drama to help them with their sovereignty phobias, nostalgia for a world long gone and pipe dreams about an idyllic future which is just not there.

The government is backing Britain in the EU. It is entirely right and proper that it should set out its case. At least the leaflet is not partisan, since most of the shrunken  Tory  membership, which is both at an historical low and well past middle age, are for Leave.