Brexit Thoughts 7: Leaflet Rage

The government has decided to spend £9 million (to government the expenditure equivalent of an ice-cream) on leaflets to be sent to all of us, explaining why we are have having this absurd referendum, what the value of belonging to the EU is and what are the risks of leaving, organised into a simple factual format. Very good.

Leave have gone bananas. That’s just too bad. If it were not for their endless agitation we would not be wasting the £70 million plus it is costing to stage this drama to help them with their sovereignty phobias, nostalgia for a world long gone and pipe dreams about an idyllic future which is just not there.

The government is backing Britain in the EU. It is entirely right and proper that it should set out its case. At least the leaflet is not partisan, since most of the shrunken  Tory  membership, which is both at an historical low and well past middle age, are for Leave.

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