Archive for April 27th, 2016

Trump Powers Ahead: Clinton Nearly There.

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

Whatever strategy the befuddled grandees of the GOP think there are pursuing is not working. Their nightmare has just won six states in a row and won them big. Even if neither home nor dry, Trump is most certainly in the front yard and any attempt now to shut him out will cost the GOP the White House. Because Hilary Clinton is now too far ahead for Sanders to catch her and she will be a formidable candidate. She has already spent eight years in the White House, a term as New York’s Senator and four years at the State Department. There are few international figures she has not met nor domestic politicians she does not know. She will be a safe pair of hands in uncertain times who will stand up for American interests abroad and for those in need at home. This is the kind of specification Americans vote for most, with the added excitement that she is a woman. The first woman President is a powerful vote catcher, especially among women. If she brings the defeated Bernie on board with his energised and youthful following, she will be unstoppable.

Hilary has one weakness. She is from the political establishment, indeed she is the political establishment. And all over the world the political establishment is beginning to look clunky, slow and unable to deliver a future of hope to the young. Mired in unresolvable conflicts and challenges, it is failing to aspire to offer something better than it inherited to the generation following on. This is why Sanders continues to play to cheering crowds. If he goes, his young followers will look around. Some will go for the unexciting Clinton, but many, if not most, will turn to the other outsider, Trump. If that happens, the road to the White House is open and the World will wake up to President Trump. What kind of world that will be only a fool would try to tell. We only know for sure it will not be the same. Ever again.