Archive for April 29th, 2016

Labour Turmoil

Friday, April 29th, 2016

When a party elects with a landslide a serial rebel as its leader, it must not be surprised if that leader takes a relaxed view  of rebellion and stepping out of line. It looks like indiscipline but it is in fact an open and expressive form of politics which increasing numbers of the public prefer. They regard the smooth talking politicians toeing the party line as self seeking liars who cannot be trusted.

When the issue is some form of racial or other prejudice, especially so if it is the ultra sensitive threat of ant- semitism, great tact and caution is demanded. When wild and offensive statements are made, whatever the intention, none but the worst will be the outcome in the media, in parliament and among the public generally.

Corbyn has been too indecisive, unestimating the offence and damage being done by those with loose tongues, so that now a fracas has developed which is all but out of control. Whether voters are laid back about this or turn their backs on it, will next week be revealed. Much rides upon it.