Archive for April 26th, 2011

Civilian Deaths

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

There appears to be a notion developing that somehow it is possible to have a war, even a civil war, without putting innocent civilians at risk. This may have been possible once upon a time when armies met on the field in set piece battles, but all that came to an end before the start of the twentieth century. In recent times Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Libya and now Syria underscore this.

It is therefore unrealistic to launch military action to simply protect civilian lives. It sounds good, appears impartial and avoids those engaged having to take sides. It works to some extent, but not enough. We see this in Libya. While the NATO mission is not yet classed as a failure, it is failing in its mission overall. Observers in Misrata report increasing casualties among innocent civilians and disappointment at how little NATO is doing to help. It has probably done what it can, but the government forces are getting good at improvising protection and concealment of heavy weapons from air attack.

The West must stop encouraging uprisings, if it is, as it should be, unwilling to join in on the side of the protesters. Sanctions are meaningless to a cowering family under fire. Air campaigns to protect civilians have some effect but not enough and may even increase casualties by encouraging rebels to fight without real prospects of victory. All this is beginning to dawn even in the hottest heads. That is why there will be no intervention in Syria.

Meanwhile Libya continues in stalemate. A ceasefire is essential. NATO may soon have to bite the bullet and talk to Gaddafi. Unless the Americans drone him first.