Archive for November 28th, 2017

Brexit Papers: Demand Full Disclosure

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

There is a big row going on between the government and parliament about the proper disclosure of apparently embarrassing information revealed in a process of assessing the impact of Brexit on 50 sectors of the economy. Embarrassing because it reveals just how damaging this foolhardy adventure will prove to be to the lives of ordinary people. There is another interpretation for the lack of output; there is none because no proper survey was carried out.

Everywhere outside Whitehall it is becoming quite clear that the promoters of Brexit had little idea of the detailed consequences of their ambition nor the vast legal and administrative headache which would result. That in turn leads to costs they had never imagined. What this proves is that we are caught in a national emergency in which it is no longer a matter of in or out, but of survival without having to go through an economic trauma greater than that suffered through cost of fighting WWII. That poses the question, asked with increasing frequency both here and in the EU, do we have to do this?

Defenders of this folly claim there is a mandate from the British people which must be fulfilled. That is nonsense. Had the facts been fairly put to the electorate by both sides, but in particular by Leave with its wild claims and promises, there is absolutely no doubt that while a sizable minority would have stayed with Brexit, the majority would have gone for Remain. The mandate is entirely blown. What is required now is common sense upholding the national interest. That means asking for the infamous Article 50 letter to be returned. Then all of the EU, including the UK, can relax and get on with its collective day.