Archive for August 27th, 2016

So Is Clinton Winning?

Saturday, August 27th, 2016

Well that depends. If you know about US politics, if you listen to pundits and you believe opinion polls the answer is a resounding yes. But if you have an instinct for danger when out in the wilds, you may have doubts. Because this election for President is very much wild when it comes to being sure about anything.

First of all it is not a contest between Republicans and Democrats. It is between the social/political/business establishment backing Clinton and the anti-establishment forgotten patriotic citizens rooting for Trump. Money on an unprecedented scale pours into the Clinton campaign; by contrast although Trump is rich, his campaign coffers are pretty empty. Not only is the Clinton campaign far superior in organization as well as money, it is skilfully directed and smooth running. The Trump campaign is accident prone, resignation heavy and largely chaotic. But Trump is not over yet. There are more anti-establishment folk out there than establishment smoothies inside, the political weather, right across the democratic world, blows anti the status quo, and they have huge commitment and enthusiasm for their cause. They toil long hours for little and sleep well in anticipation of the morrow.

By contrast the Clinton campaign flows on the roller coaster of money rather than passion. Its people do not sleep well and they fear the morrow. Because they know there is one big ticket item on which every pundit and poll is agreed about Hilary Clinton. Two thirds of the American people do not trust her.