Archive for August 18th, 2016

May Blunders: Child Obesity Shambles

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

It appears that a coherent and well rounded programme to tackle the very serious problem of childhood obesity (with crossovers into adult obesity) has been watered down on the orders of 10 Downing Street on the grounds that necessary and urgent sanctions could dent the profitability of the food industry at a time when the economy may be faltering.

This is morally indefensible and politically inept. It appears that the new prime minister over-ruled her senior colleagues and insisted that peak time TV ads for killer foods and related promotions aimed at young people should continue against all the advice of everyone who takes this issue seriously. Meanwhile there are reports, mentioned in previous posts, of spats among Brexit ministers and a there is a clear policy vacuum at the Treasury. This all contributes to uncertainty and delay in the real economy right now and far more than any restrictions on future junk food advertising.

This is just not good enough and when Mrs. May comes down from her Swiss mountains and returns, she must up her game. Her holiday will then be over. Her political honeymoon has ended already.