Archive for August 24th, 2016

Labour Leadership: Another Brexit Referendum?

Wednesday, August 24th, 2016

This is the plan of Owen Smith, if elected leader of the Labour party. The idea misses several important points.

Immediately after the Brexit vote I said the people had voted for a mirage, that what was promised could not be delivered, there was no majority in parliament for Brexit and it would be constitutionally proper for there to be a second referendum to approve the terms of exit. But I was wrong about all of that. All of it was technically correct, but something much bigger had happened.

People had voted simply to leave; they did not care on what terms, because they had a gut feeling that GB could do well in the world given the freedom and given the chance. They saw the establishment, the political parties, the bankers and the vested interests all ganged up against them so that no matter what, when or for whom they voted nothing ever changed. But this time it would have to. Brexit was the detail. The issue was the command of the people. Deny that and you will finally admit you deny democracy.

The hundreds of thousands entitled to vote in this election triggered by Owen Smith are in the majority recent joiners who have joined Labour because they see it not as a conventional political party, but as the anti political party; the movement which is against every aspect of the status quo, which has faith in real people and believes they deserve better and in return will deliver world beating outcomes.

Like Team GB. Team GB which beat all the world to stand right behind the mega power of the United States. Just ordinary people all of them, but very special too. From nearly sixty down to sixteen from every social class and ethnicity united under one flag.They were given the backing and the chance and they took it for their country. And their country cannot recall being so proud and it loves them to bits.

Corbyn is the antithesis of the career politician. He has never put party before people, nor winning above principle. He plays to a hostile media and conforms to not one single requirement of a successful politician or spin doctor. But he is the man of the hour. The notion of another referendum will not help Owen Smith, because democratic betrayal is what people hate the most. And that ploy would be seen as the greatest betrayal of all.