Archive for March 22nd, 2015

Hitorical Thriller

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

Paperback or Kindle from and

Political Mischief

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

It has become a near daily occurrence for candidates from all the political parties who are standing in the general election in May, or those around them, to be embroiled in controversy relating to expenses, donations, inappropriate comments and so forth. Whether things are getting worse or whether social media helps to root out problems more easily is not clear. What is clear is that every time a headline breaks it damages all parties equally and not just the one involved. This is because the biggest issue out there is a loss of voter respect for those who govern or seek to govern them. We may be underestimating the ultimate cost of this to the effective governance of the country.

Downing Street Drama

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

Download or Paperback. Steamy Political Thriller

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To Honour a King

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

There can be few ceremonies in all of recorded history as unusual as that taking place in Leicester today. As every student knows Shakespeare cast Richard III as an ogre and that is how he was seen and thought of thereafter. He did not even have a memorial. The whereabouts of his remains were subject to speculation, but the location unknown. Then a dedicated team of archaeologists dug up a car park in the city and found his bones. Now he is to be honoured as a King and reburied in the Cathedral, his reputation undergoing something of a rehabilitation as people concentrate more on the recorded history and less on the Shakespearean drama. It is all a curiously fulfilling epitaph for the fallen House of York.