Archive for March 17th, 2015

Free Download

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

Product Details

An idea to stimulate economic growth without further government borrowing. Written in plain English and very easy to follow, this is the only really fresh approach out there to the intractable problems of the UK economy, and it is just beginning to be noticed in important places.     Download free now!   UK    US


Israel Votes

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

Israel is now voting and many outside that country await the outcome with interest. Meaningful comment cannot happen until we know what that outcome is, but this background observation is important.

It is the inability to come to a reasonable settlement between the Jewish state and its Palestinian co-inhabitants of what was once Palestine which is the root cause of all the turmoil in the Middle East, the rise of Isis, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and all the other destabilizing elements, the effects of which permeate all the western world and beyond. Without this endless conflict Iran would not have engaged in the process of learning how to build a nuclear bomb. It is unlikely there would have been 9/11 and all that has flowed from it.

So all countries should care about the outcome. And to whomever forms the next government the message should be conveyed loud and clear. Israel’s right to exist will be protected and its need for security recognised, but no longer can obdurate obstruction to any meaningful peace process, nor settlement building, nor a nihilistic attitude to Palestinian hopes and aspirations, be accepted as the way things in future will be done.

Free Download : Growth Without Borrowing

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015



AProduct Detailsn idea to stimulate economic growth without further government borrowing. Written in plain English and very easy to follow, this is the only really fresh approach out there to the intractable problems of the UK economy, and it is just beginning to be noticed in important places.

Shocking News : May Is Right

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

The Home Secretary recently warned the country that child abuse was endemic and threaded into every level of society and all across the country, in all classes, from the most exalted to the very lowly and in institutions which are part of the national fabric of education, safety, care and development.

Thus it should come as no surprise, but it does and shocks to the core, that the Metropolitan Police were involved in a blatant cover up on orders of goodness knows whom in the notorious case of Cyril Smith. That he an others were caught red handed, arrested, locked up then set free, while investigating officers were threatened with career slow downs and prosecutions under the Official Secrets Act, is an abuse of absolutely everything lawful for which this nation stands. And while these revelations are historic, this abuse is going on now all around us.

To stop it, to rehabilitate the victims which may include many of the abusers, and to prosecute the perpetrators and especially trusted public servants who broke the law organising cover ups, is a national priority and a social emergency. It is also essential that all the many enquiries are thorough and organised to expose, not to whitewash Hutton style, and report promptly. This is not a moment when Chilcot style timescales should be acceptable either.