Archive for March 21st, 2015

Weekend Reads

Saturday, March 21st, 2015

Download or Paperback. Compelling Reads, from Amazon uk or



Malcolm Blair-Robinson



Meningitis B Vaccine

Saturday, March 21st, 2015

Sometimes the most shocking things in the news cause the fewest ripples. Today we learn that for more than a year children have been dying or suffering severe consequences of this dread disease, which include brain damage and even limb loss, when a perfectly good vaccine is available to stop the spread of the illness with over 90% success in extensive trials, now complete. The delay is an argument over the cost of the doses between the government and the manufacturer.  Talks are ‘ongoing’ and agreement is expected ‘soon’.

It is incomprehensible to this blog how this degree of callous insensitivity in public affairs can exist when the welfare and lives of children are at stake. The argument ranges between a fiver or a tenner. It is also a mystery how it is people suffer the squirming  cauldron of buck passing quangos and spineless ministers that our system of government has become.