Archive for September 26th, 2016

May’s Government Fumbling?

Monday, September 26th, 2016

While everyone’s attention is focused on exciting times in Labour, something it not right with the government. May seemed to get off to a flying start, firing people right left and centre, particularly soft centre, and then showing imagination in appointing a Brexit Trio to take charge of how we actually get out of Europe and where we go to when we do. She even gave them a weekend house to share, so they could be on the job 24/7. Turf wars broke out almost at once, as is only to be expected with three big egos, but these seem to have settled. What has not been settled is any kind of Brexit plan. We do not even appear to know what we want.

Every time one of the trio gives a hint about perfectly sensible thinking May or her resident Downing Street ogre slaps them down. Meanwhile the Big Distraction, more grammar schools, is running into trouble with widespread opposition from almost everywhere. Thus it  looks as if another of this accident prone 2015 Tory government’s policies is unraveling, with no majority for it in parliament to put it into effect. Things need to get better than this or it will be not just  policies unraveling, but the whole government.

Meanwhile of course there are these kiss and tell books, better perhaps described as stick the knife in, which do not help inspire confidence in these people. Rather grubby tales of  lusting after power, without it now appears a clue how to use it when they get it.