Archive for September 3rd, 2016

More Brexit Trends?

Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

In a recent post I highlighted the notion that to save the euro and balance the euro economy so that it benefited people in all parts of the euro zone, not just Germany and her northern European satellites, the additional federalization, so long fought off by the UK, would now be able to go ahead following Brexit.

There is another aspect to this beginning to emerge. In France, Spain and Italy there is a growing admiration for the Brits for striking a blow at the notion that life is for all practical purposes governed from Brussels and Berlin. There is now seen to be an alternative. Growing confidence in the UK, plus some economic bounce back, serves to drive the point home. These admirers do not form a majority in their respective countries, but since 2017 is election year in Italy, France and Germany, this groundswell could have a decisive impact. Worth keeping an eye on trends in those countries.