Archive for June 18th, 2016

Labour’s Road To Power: Download and Paperback

Saturday, June 18th, 2016

Turn Left To Power is an explosive dissertation in book form offering a fundamental redirection for Labour’s return to power, with bold ideas for a new economic and social settlement, including economic and taxation reform, restoration of responsibility in government and a renewal of democracy. Full of detailed information, hard facts and the results of thorough research and deep thinking, the narrative will grip you like a thriller and open your eyes to a brighter, fairer future in a mere 25000 words. The ideas are relevant whether Brexit goes In or Out.

Malcolm Blair-Robinson, writer and blogger,  has been a keen political observer for more than sixty years. Born a Tory, he became a founder member of the SDP, before gradually migrating left. In 2014 he published his idea of Dynamic Quantitative Easing which aroused interest in high places and this forms a core element of this powerful and compact analysis of Labour’s opportunity to regain power. Frank and at a times brutal, Turn Left To Power offers a collection of fundamental reforms which amount to a political revolution. He is dismayed by the unfairness of the current economic model and is driven by the hope of a better future for the rising generation.

Get your copy now. Paperback £4.99   Kindle £1.99     AMAZON UK

US State Department Luminaries: Wrong Headed

Saturday, June 18th, 2016

A bunch of State Department officials have signed a declaration claiming that Obama should bomb Assad targets in Syria, because without that the Dictator will never negotiate. There are several flaws in this unwise proposed intervention.

First of all it is clear that military interventions in the middle east have done more harm than good, with the failed states of Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan as the outcome. Next the defeat of Assad would lead to a collapse of the Syrian state also, with a brutal civil war among the so called victors on the ground, which contain some of the the most radical of the Islamic groups and bitter enemies of the West. A takeover by IS would follow in short order. Russia might directly or by proxy down US planes. Things would get a lot worse than anything thus far and that says something.

With people like this at the heart of the US power base in Washington, the choice of President becomes more critical than might appear out on the campaign trail. The experienced Clinton begins to look more attractive the the gung-ho Trump.