Archive for November 29th, 2015

QE: A Simple Guide

Sunday, November 29th, 2015

Product Details

QE in various forms is now very much part of the economic conversation, especially in connection with a fresh approach to financial issues by the new leadership of the Labour party. Dynamic Quantitative Easing remains under government, not bank, control and targets specific investment projects without borrowing, interest or repayments. It can reboot the economy, boost manufacturing and exports and enable sustained growth of real national wealth shared by all, rather than just asset inflation which is the downside of ordinary QE. If you want to find out more you can enjoy a lucid explanation of the original idea from the link below.

Download .99p  Paperback £2.99

Corbyn : His Hand Strengthens

Sunday, November 29th, 2015

This blog has been critical of Corbyn being a bit loose in his responses to trap questions about national security. But as the weekend has evolved it is clear that a different kind of leadership from him is developing which the dreary old pros at once dismissed as a shambles, but which is beginning to look both engaging and democratic and in the final stage tough. First he declared to his whole party his own position. Second he asked party members to tell him theirs and 70,000 (wow!) have. Third he told his MPs not to sound off but to go and talk to their constituency parties over the weekend. On Monday both the Shadow cabinet and the national executive are to meet, followed by the parliamentary party in the evening. After all of that and having listened to everyone Corbyn, as Leader, will decide on the party’s official position. If he decides it is No, half his shadow cabinet will resign. He has prepared for that as well, apparently.

This is beginning to look more like leadership of the kind voters will trust.