Archive for October 26th, 2015

Commons v Lords

Monday, October 26th, 2015

At the time of writing this post the outcome of what is said to be a constitutional drama is uncertain. What is certain however is the nonsense being talked about the constitution itself. This is because although we do not have one, it is indeed the case that there is a convention, not a codified item in an approved democratic constitution, which says that Commons is in charge of the money and will not be challenged on financial legislation by the Lords. However the crafty little people in the Tory government’s legislative wing knew that this item about tax credits would be contentious when the figures became truly revealed, so they lifted it out of the finance bill and used some other form of statutory instrument that requires less discussion and debate. Thus it arrives in the Lords without its bullet proof vest. And many of their Lordships and especially their Ladyships, have decided to take pots shots at it.

Well we shall have to see what happens. It could be rather fun were it not for the anguish of those unfortunate people on lower incomes whose modest standards will be further reduced by what is a wise measure in principle, but administered with that mean streak in the nasty party which, though it has moved to the left, has not gone away; especially not now that it has Power. To be mean and nasty and everything.