Archive for October 17th, 2015

Browse My Books

Saturday, October 17th, 2015


Malcolm Blair-Robinson U.S        

Malcolm Blair-Robinson UK

Pacifying The Doctors

Saturday, October 17th, 2015

Clearly it makes sense for the NHS to work at weekends. In fact this blog has advocated a quite different system where hospitals run a three shift 24 hour pattern which never closes. There is no reason why routine operations and care cannot take place on a round the clock basis, eliminating waiting lists and delays, together with the ludicrous and expensive bureaucracy required to administer all these lists and targets.

Among the reforms needed to make real progress is one of the medical profession involving doctors and consultants, the way they are organised and the way they see themselves, their hierarchy and some of their eighteenth century traditions. Above all moonlighting into lucrative private practice fed by customers delayed by the NHS is a no go. So is the self employed status of GPs. But I am moving ahead of current events I know. Unfortunately until events catch up the NHS will continue to lurch from one problem to the next.

QE for Beginners

Saturday, October 17th, 2015

QE in various forms is now very much part of the economic conversation, especially in connection with a fresh approach to financial issues by the new leadership of the Labour party. Dynamic Quantitative Easing remains under government, not bank, control and targets specific investment projects without borrowing, interest or repayments. It can reboot the economy, boost manufacturing and exports and enable sustained growth of real national wealth shared by all, rather than just asset inflation which is the downside of ordinary QE. If you want to find out more you can enjoy a lucid explanation of the original idea from the link below.

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Steel: Save It.

Saturday, October 17th, 2015

There is no way an industrial country can allow itself to go out of steel production. The fact that we are presently a debt driven economy obsessed with shopping and house ownership does not alter the fact that we cannot go on that way. We have to restore a very large part of our industrial capacity so that we can re-balance our economy and restore prosperity to the majority. The Tories talk of doing this, but follow policies which can never deliver it. Neither will the markets.

To get industry going again two things have to happen. There are loads of other musts, but without these two fundamentals there is no way forward. The first is that the value of sterling has to come down and the second is that industry must have access to cheaper energy. As a follow on to my 2009 book 2010 A Blueprint For Change, with the subtitle Bold Ideas For Voters, I am well advanced on Dynamic Socialism subtitled Bold Ideas For Labour. This will offer a fundamentally new economic model tailored to the times in which we find ourselves. Watch this space.