Archive for February 24th, 2015


Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

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Rifkind And Straw.

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

At one level it is rather sad to see the political careers of two grandees in meltdown. At another it is shocking to suppose that this kind of thing still goes on and some of it is apparently within whatever rules these politicians have set up to police themselves.

Milliband, seeing a toxic brew steaming before him, has declared that all second jobs are to be banned from all Labour candidates standing for parliament in May. That is wise because voters have lost all patience with the political class whom they regard as both liars and on the make for themselves above all else. Cameron is less strident knowing that if he follows suit he will have no candidates left give or take a handful.

There is however a difference between a trade union official who is also a backbench MP, or a shareholder in a family business or some other activity which they have established themselves in before standing for parliament in the first place and about which those who elect them have full knowledge, and the practice of selling political favours for cash. It is no good having rules within which these favours my be sold. The practice must be stopped absolutely.

It is a form of corruption just like any other because it means that those who pay fees (they are different to bribes in their definition but are they in their effect?) to exert influence and change rules can gain commercial or personal advantage. As for the protestations of those caught red handed in a sting, that they have done nothing wrong; these are greeted with incredulity. It may be the case they have not broken any rules or indeed any laws, but it is certainly the case that few would describe what they were up to as right.

Politicians seem to think it is okay to sell the influence and knowledge they acquire as representatives of voters in parliament, for their own personal gain. Voters have many words to describe what they do. One description which I heard which seemed apt, was soft corruption. Another, more colourful, was political prostitution. But whatever you call it the time has come to stop it.