Archive for October 12th, 2012

The BBC And Savile

Friday, October 12th, 2012

The BBC is being somewhat cautious about reporting the unfolding Savile scandal. This is not surprising since the Corporation is at the heart of a good deal of what is alleged to have happened. It is also rather shy about referring to its new Director General, George Entwistle, because Mr Entwistle was Head of Vision (TV) at the time the Newsnight investigation was dropped.

ITV is bolder, not least because it is ITV’s investigation which has brought the shocking activities of a national icon into the open. Last night on News at Ten an ITN journalist and camera crew waylaid Mr Entwistle in the street and asked him whether he knew, as Head of Vision, that Newsnight was running an investigation into Savile. He replied that he knew about the investigation but not what it was about.

This blog finds that statement surprising. Surely the response to such an alarming declaration would be something on the lines of

‘An investigation? What kind of investigation? What about?’

This would be the expected response of a senior executive with responsibility for all mainstream television,  to the news that a national hero was being  ‘investigated’ by Newsnight, no less?

Apparently not. This blog sees trouble ahead for the BBC.