Archive for October 2nd, 2012

Ed Miliband:The Big Speech

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

Far too much store is now laid at the podium of the leader’s speech at party conferences, few of which are recalled by anyone for long. Leaders begin to think of themselves as celebrities, their parties think of them as idols, but the modern voter looks to them as managers and innovators. They are judged upon their ideas and delivery, not upon their roots or education. Inspired by the TV show Who Do You Think You Are? their advisers assume that the public interest in the roots of politicians is as keen as it is for actors. The truth is the public does not care who a politician is; they want to know what this person can do. Boris is popular because he is a wild card and outspoken, but if that were all he was he would not rank in public affection. They like him because he is wild and different, but only because above all he runs London well.

We are told that Ed is going to talk about his refugee origins and all that, to make him more user friendly and human. This is the stuff of media hype. Votes come from bold ideas, grand plans, the power to inject hope, a philosophy of can do; it is through these elements of a leader’s speech that real gains can be made. Labour supporters will hope that a speech billed to be heavy on family nostalgia will be even heavier on a better way forward for the country. A better way worth voting for.