Archive for June 21st, 2011

Too Many U Turns

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Yet another U turn, this time on law and order. That is traditional Tory turf. Whatever Cameron says about being a sign of strength, the record of this government for u turns is without precedent and approaching the point of farce. Most of it comes from the Tory side of the coalition but not all.

Downing Street must now take on board a sharp and unwelcome fact. Nobody any longer believes the government will stick to what it says it will do, if that course causes controversy. So if you make enough noise you can get it to change. That is near disastrous. The unions will go on the rampage and show signs of doing so. Much more of this and the markets will get spooked and then we are all in trouble.

The Prime Minister must demand of his ministers that they think through their plans and then he must back them. The idea that all these changes are improvements is flawed. The NHS reforms were fundamental and would have led the way to a more responsive health service, instead of a monolithic health process. The changes water the whole thing down to the point where it is likely to cost a lot and do a little.

Pension reform must be seen through and the unions faced down. The banks must be restructured without any retreat. The government has to regain its credibility, now very badly tarnished. With a new banking crisis in the offing and a Euro crisis in full swing, a government which does not know its mind is worse than useless.