Archive for March 19th, 2011

Libya Developments

Saturday, March 19th, 2011

Things seem to be happening. First a ceasefire, now an invitation to observers. The difficulty is that what the Libyan government says is happening and what is actually happening may not be the same. Interestingly while Gaddafi talks about attacking insurgents and showing no mercy, his ministers announce a halt to all military operations. This may be significant or it may be Gaddafi up to his wily ways. It is important to remember he has been in power since Wilson was Prime Minister and Nixon was President. In a military confrontation he knows he would lose but in a battle of wits, the outcome is much less certain.

Meanwhile the allies meet in Paris to finalise, with the Arab league, how they implement 1973. It is possible that enough has already been done to stop the fighting in Libya, though what happens next if it has, is far from clear. The U.N. resolution is much more restrictive than it appears. If there is no fighting and civilians are not at risk, nothing is authorised. The Libyan government appears to have spotted this. Having been heavy handed and aggressive, with almost comical outbursts on television from their leader, the Libyans are showing unexpected sophistication in their response to what they gambled was a bluff, but which has turned out to be real.

The only certain thing is that this is a very unpredictable situation.