Electoral Reform

Gordon Brown has come up with a Bill for Electoral Reform. It had been speculated for some time that this was on the cards. There is no doubt that changes to the way we vote for a new Parliament have to be brought about. The present system dates from when there were only two parties and cannot pass the test for a modern pluralist democracy where voting is meaningful and effective. Which type of arrangement you prefer is a matter of debate but anything is better than the present first past the post which guarantees that many, sometimes most, M.Ps get elected with a minority of the votes and the government of the day does not have a proper mandate.

There will always be die hards who murmer about strong government (the correct words are bad government), but the majority of right thinking people see that this is the way to go. Which makes the opposition of the Conservative Party all the more unfortunate. The reasons why not to vote Conservative are beginning to pile up.

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  12. I feel really bad for Gordon. The man can’t do anything right. Looks like his approval rating is getting worse and worse, hell even his own party wanted to get rid of him!

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