Iraq Inquiry

I know lawyers grumble daily at their exclusion from this tribunal and lament the many millions in fees from which their greedy fingers are excluded, but it really is doing a stirling  job. David Cameron, when asked for an opinion on events so far, deferred and said he would rather wait for the Inquiry’s conclusions. I must say our David is beginning to look less and less like a reliable Prime Minister, very unsure of what to say, even about his own policies these days. Rather disappointing.

I will be bold. The advantage of this format with all the evidence coming out in public, with relatively relaxed witnesses saying what they think and much more effective questioning than it is given credit for, we are able to form our own conclusions. On the evidence so far it is becoming clear that Blair thought he was not Prime Minister but King, he had made up his mind and would brook no dissent. His style of government would be unconstitutional if we had one, the preparation for war was inadequate hazarding our troops, the war was in any event illegal and the lack of planning for what to do afterwards, wicked.  Blair’s vision of history is muddled and his arguments deeply flawed. He surrouded himself with a government in which he would shine as the only light. All of them were spineless except the late Robin Cook, and Clare Short who was described as difficult to handle, always a good sign.

There was of course Gordon. Big clunking fist, brooding and isolated. Or was he a player? His evidence will be very interesting. Very interesting indeed.

48 Responses to “”

  1. SEOPressor says:

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  15. wholesale says:

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  25. Depending on yourself to make the decisions can really be upsetting and frustrating. It takes years to build confidence. Its not the sort of thing that simply just happens.

  26. Depending on yourself to make the decisions can really be upsetting and frustrating. It takes years to build confidence. Frankly it takes more than just happening to happen.

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  32. Clare Hibdon says:

    Hey 1mnwz k, very interesting post, it really got me thinking. Thank you. c9uhz

  33. Get upset! Get motivated and get pissed off. This will help you stay above the curve.

  34. frostwire says:

    I’m wondering if you have noticed how the media has changed? Now it seems that it is discussed thoroughly and more in depth. Frankly it is about time we see a change.

  35. Good thinking. I’m curious to think what type of impact this would have globally? People obviously get frustrated when it begins to affect them locally. I’ll be around soon to check out your response.

  36. I’m wondering if you have noticed how the media has changed? What once seemed like a never discussed issue has become more prevelant. Frankly it is about time we see a change.

  37. That’s a very good feedback. Wondering what you think of it’s implication on society as a whole though? There are times when things like this begin to have global expansion and frustration. I’ll check back to see what you have to say.

  38. Relying on your instanct is tough for most of us. Many of us develop this ability over the course of our life. It doesn’t really just happen if you know what I mean.

  39. News says:

    Interesting approach towards this. Wondering what you think of it’s implication on society as a whole though? Sometimes people get a little upset with global expansion. I’ll check back to see what you have to say.

  40. Get upset! Simply letting the quota happen isn’t acceptable. Generally this will allow you to take the inititive to make things happen.

  41. Wow I’m frustrated. I’m not calling you out though, really I think its everyone else that is responsible.

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