
The scale of this disaster is said by the U.N. now to exceed the tsunami, thought not, mercifully, if measured in loss of life. The world is slowly stirring to the need for aid on a gigantic scale. Those images of shivering and frightened children haunt us. And it goes on. The rains do not stop. There will be an end to this suffering, but as yet it is not in sight.

The suffering reminds us of true human needs and the values which should underpin them. There are reports that the Taliban and charities linked to Islamic militants, have been active in getting aid through. They may be better equipped with their own simple transport system, relying on foot, pack animals and small motorbikes to cope  with the ravished communications. Whatever the fervour of the armed conflict and however cruel the justice and social values of this alien (to the West) culture, it is good to see that humanitarian aid is unfettered by the issue of from which side it comes.

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