Ash Cloud

Over the last 100 years there have been very few great climatic events sufficient to disrupt travel and nothing on the scale of the present closing of north European air space. Yet in the history of the world, such events are common. Having gone through a quiet period, we can expect more are on the way.

This will bring us up short on how vulnerable to disruption modern mechanical technology is to environment. No doubt a world-wide computer crash is out there to reveal the weaknesses ofΒ  total dependence on electronics. In the midst of it all will come the requirement to have a more measured judgement of acceptable risk. With the current hysterical approach to health and safety much of civilised life and survivability is at risk. We can cope in the short term but aΒ  banΒ  air travel lasting weeks or months until this Icelandic volcano simmers down, which could take two years, would lead to a double dip recession for sure.

A useful wake up call. We will have to get real.

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