Archive for September 22nd, 2019

Politics In Turmoil: Random Thoughts

Sunday, September 22nd, 2019

Wherever you look or listen, there is confusion in the in political arena on a scale not seen for many generations. This is in part due to the technological revolution giving instant communication from every citizen to every other from the palm of their hand. No longer is news and comment in the sole grip of the media. So news, rumour, opinion and protest travel fast and furiously and then often faster than politicians can think how to respond.

Into this mix we throw Brexit, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, the Union, Equality as a benchmark from which much is judged, the revival of the Socialist Left and the Far Right. There is loads more. Now Climate Change has become not only a hot topic but an economic driver. But most important of all it has become a political issue which has motivated to action and protest millions of young people across the world. Make no mistake. This will affect voting patterns and turnout. It will screw up opinion polls.

When the next general election finally comes it will be full of surprises.