Archive for September 7th, 2019

Government Crisis: So What Now?

Saturday, September 7th, 2019

The much vaunted Number Ten machine, made up of No Deal and Brexit fundamentalists,  who believe themselves invincible, has suffered a catastrophic set of reverses. It has bust their brand, showed Johnson to be useless, handed control of the Commons to an unlikely alliance, which includes former Tories kicked out in a tantrum, led by the Leader of the Opposition who has run rings round the bumbling prime minister. Boris is now boxed in with no way out. Yet this nerve wracked administration, which loves spectacular gestures and grand political theatre, might once again gobsmack the world next week.

Suppose, as expected, Johnson loses his bid for an immediate election. This means he is obliged by law to do lots of stuff he has promised never to do (he would rather be dead in a ditch; a light hearted statement but suggesting a wild mind in freefall). So is there a get out of gaol card? Literally as legal teams are assembling to send him to prison if he disobeys the law.

Yes. He resigns and advises the Queen to send for Corbyn.

What happens after that is even more fun. But you will have to wait for the next installment.  Watch this space.