Archive for April 22nd, 2019

Trump, Mueller and the Democrats

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

Democrats should be cautious about spending too much political capital chasing after Trump via the Mueller Report. There is no real polling evidence that any of this investigation has impacted the President’s popularity, which today stands at 47%. A higher percentage of Americans from both parties are tired of the whole thing and want to move on.

Whether you like or hate Trump is not important. The fact that he is a non-political outsider who snatched the presidency from Hilary Clinton, who actually got many more votes, is. Because the Democrats have never got over it. But they now have to demonstrate that their policies are better and fairer than his and under a Democrat in the White House the lot of the American middle class will be a whole bit better. If they can do that with a fresh young firebrand, man or woman, who sees the future bigger than the past, they can unseat Trump and win next year. But if they mess around with endless hearings and subpoenas about issues which have no impact at all on the lives of the people who in a democracy, hold the keys to power, those keys will remain with Trump until 2024.