Archive for April 20th, 2019

An Easter Message to the Political Class: A Perfect Storm?

Saturday, April 20th, 2019

The political class in Westminster has never been held in such low esteem, not just by the voters who elected it, but by the world at large. Right across the public services there is a failure to deliver to a sufficient standard as a direct result of endless austerity. Within the civil service there are glaring failures including Windrush and Universal Credit. Grenfell Tower residents remain unsatisfied both as to new accommodation and the lack of accountability for a clearly preventable disaster. Spending boosts are announced but the money never arrives. Consultation processes are set in everlasting train to avoid having actually to do something. And of course Brexit is an unbelievable shambles, making Britain the political laughing stock across an astonished world.

So this is pretty bad at any time, but just now in the evolving pattern of democracy world wide, when people are taking matters into their own hands through protests, demonstrations and populism of a new kind which leads them to chose wild card candidates to take over government, this is a potentially deadly moment for established political parties in general and the floundering Tory government of the UK in particular.

Watch this space.