Archive for October 6th, 2018

Modern Thriller with Nazi Era Echoes: Download and Paperback from £3.99

Saturday, October 6th, 2018

Hess Enigma: A Novel by [Raven, Tor]

Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy and right hand man, flew to Scotland on a mysterious peace mission in 1941, which has never been convincingly explained, to meet unidentified politicians who wanted to end the war.  Who was plotting against Churchill? What were the peace terms on offer? What happened to Hess? Was he killed in the War? Was the prisoner in Spandau a double?
There are many questions to which in the modern day one man, Saul Benedict has all the answers, because his parents were players in the drama involving Churchill, Hitler, leading politicians and an important Royal. Saul is an author and declares his intention to write a book to reveal all, but he is shot dead, apparently accidentally by a poacher. But was it an accident? Rick Coleman, an investigative journalist, determines to find out. Taking place in the modern day but with flashback chapters which gradually unfold the hidden secrets, the novel is a fast moving and compelling read.

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Cooking The Education Books

Saturday, October 6th, 2018

It is really quite shocking that in boasting about the level of spending on  education in England, the government used figures which included private school fees paid by parents, out of their own pockets, to independent schools, as well as tuition fees paid by students to universities. When it did so it was rebutting claims by Head Teachers of state funded schools that they were bending under the weight of austerity and cuts.  Clearly it deliberately used a figure which did not relate to the issue, which is funding cuts to state schools and rising student numbers.

In most walks of life connected to business and the professions, lying to achieve advantage through false claims is a criminal offence. It is time the sanction is extended to politics. Lying governments are an unsavory deviation from democratic standards which this country, above almost all others, claims to uphold.