Archive for June 9th, 2017

May Survives in Pact With Prejudice, Hate and Bigotry

Friday, June 9th, 2017

That it has come to this beggars belief. The power sharing government of Northern Ireland has collapsed because the sectarian hatred, prejudice, provocative Orange culture and unwillingness to compromise of the DUP, not only acted as the wick which kept the fire of the Troubles burning, but has prevented the final completion of the peace process, which has transformed the lives of all communities in Ulster. In addition that party is out of step with the rest of the United Kingdom in the disgraceful opposition to same sex marriage and abortion.

These people are now referred to by Theresa May as her ‘friends and allies’ with whom she plans to strike a deal to keep her in Downing Street. The Tory party must, if it allows her to go down this dark and intimidating alley, hang its head in shame. This is not one nation politics for decent caring people; it is power at any price.

Delusional May Loses Big But Clings On.

Friday, June 9th, 2017

As this Blog has been promoting all along the young turned out and delivered the biggest political upset since way back, which few saw coming. It is a political calamity for the over confident May, who thought she was running for President with her I, Me, My campaign , full of hot air, empty of detail and scared of debate. Her position is precarious, her is authority incinerated, she is the laughing stock of Europe and her leadership is flawed. Her party is gripped by collective rage that she threw away their mandate by betting the house on the vanity that she was a star. She says she will not resign. From the Queen of U-Turns that mean she probably will.

That is all for today. I have been up all night but, my goodness, it was worth it. Wow!