Archive for May 16th, 2017

Washington Must Get a Grip

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

Trump has now tweeted that he shared terrorist information with the Russians and he was quite entitled to do so, more especially because it concerned IS. Russia has already lost a planeload of holidaymakers to an IS missile so, as they are US allies in that conflict, it was the right thing to do. I have learned that the President has the absolute right to do as he likes on matters of national security. He can classify and declassify as he chooses, so this was all a storm in a tea cup brewed in Washington and stirred by the New York Times.

It is up to the politicians,  their staffers and press corps in Washington to now get behind the office of their President, whether they like him or not, whether he follows protocol or not. They are a democracy and the people elected him. So either Washington gets a grip of itself or, instead of a seat of government, it will look like a pantomime. It is one thing to oppose as in democratic opposition, but it is another to obsess, undermine, and obstruct. Because it is in the end not Trump who is demeaned but America itself.


Two Handbooks To Help Labour: A Must For Activists from .99p

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

Product DetailsProduct Details

Turn Left To Power is an explosive dissertation in book form offering a fundamental redirection for Labour’s return to power, with bold ideas for a new economic and social settlement, including economic and taxation reform, restoration of responsibility in government and a renewal of democracy. The ideas are relevant whether Brexit goes hard or soft. Frank and at a times brutal, Turn Left To Power offers a collection of fundamental reforms which amount to a political revolution which can propel Labour back to government. Published in 2016 and circulated to the Labour leadership, Turn Left To Power was a trailblazer for the manifesto.

Click image to buy Paperback £4.99   Kindle £1.99  

 Labour Can Win is an abridged version of my dissertation Turn Left to Power. The Labour Manifesto for the General Election on June 8th contains proposals which echo many of the principles which I set out, giving Labour the opportunity to spring a historic surprise on June 8th. If you want a Labour victory, this is a must read. It will give you ideas and inspiration to drive you forward. A message of hope over fear in under 100 pages.

Click image to buy. Just 99p for download £4.50 for paperback


Trump Intelligence Leak: Really?

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

Washington is now embroiled in arguments as to whether Trump inadvertently said something revealing top secret intelligence, when talking to the Russian foreign minister and the Russian ambassador during what seems to have been a productive meeting in the Oval office, designed to improve American-Russian relations generally and cooperation in fighting IS in particular. Whilst denials have been issued, what is being denied and what is being alleged are mis-matched so the suspicion lingers. Coming on top of all the fuss about the Comey sacking and the seemingly unending investigation into the Trump campaign’s links to Russian officials, this has now reached such a level of noise that it is starting to drown out the management of real issues.

I suspect that in America the judgment is more or less split on party lines. Trump supporters see everything is good and those who oppose him think he is erratic, muddled and unsuitable. The problem for America is that all this is beginning to impact on America’s influence  worldwide. The international community is not used to an unstable presidency, which is how the Trump administration is beginning to appear. Whether the appearance is true or false, in today’s world appearance counts for almost everything. It is of course correct that Trump is not a politician, but a businessman, who has been elected  because people have become fed up with politicians. Too much of politics is a detached spectator sport and too little of it addresses the issues which affect everyday lives. Nevertheless the reason the people chose a non-politician is that they thought he would do better.

There are signs, especially with China, that Trump’s preference for building understanding with strong leaders and doing deals is a lot more more effective than the conditional, prescriptive approach nation to nation, block to block, favoured by his predecessors since 9/11. His use of targeted executive orders, while there have been some high profile failures, have already begun to make a real difference in key areas. The markets seem happy.  But all this will come to nothing if scandal, rumour, innuendo and suspicion run amok in Washington. There needs to be in the White House a blend between the new broom approach and a better ability to pull the levers of power to allow smooth forward travel. At the moment the wagon is in the ditch as often as on the trail.