Archive for March 28th, 2017

Mosul: Killing Civilians

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

It is a sorry fact that war kills. And it kills civilians. Which is why it is no longer a reasonable option for settling disputes. But war goes on and much of it is fueled by the West.

Having raged at Russia for bombing civilians in Syria, it is disappointing that the American led airstrikes, in which the RAF is engaged, in the battle for Mosul in Iraq, are killing even more. The belief is that under Trump the rules of engagement have been quietly relaxed to allow much more aggressive tactics in the battle with IS. The risk/reward ratio is bloodthirsty. Razing one building to take out one sniper can also kill two dozen civilians and injure many more. The rationale behind this tougher approach is that it is better to bring a war to a bloody conclusion, than for it to go on without end.

Unless you are an injured child orphaned by your home collapsing on your family. Then you would say it is better not to have any war in the first place.