Archive for March 2nd, 2017

Transatlantic Thriller: Download or Paperpack

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

Dr. Rachael Benedict is an American historian and a best-selling author. Through the death of her estranged father she sets out to expose secrets from the Nazi era, which are so sensitive they have been subject to an extensive cover-up lasting seventy years.  This provokes a killing spree as parts of the security services of both Britain and the United States become engaged in the drama, with one side determined to get the secrets out and the other determined to keep them hidden.
Rachael battles forward to unearth the truth from intrigues of the past, but also within her own family, surviving three attempts on her life, before finally achieving her goal. Not only does she expose the truth from history and from her own roots, she has to delve deep into her own emotions to find the truth about herself.

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American Democrats: Get Real

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

There are always two Americas. At the worst they fought a civil war and at best they unite as one, to face a challenge together, as after 9/11. But it is not always the same two, although broadly it is, like every democracy, a conservative tendency versus a liberal enlightenment. What is going on now is doing America’s standing in the world a great deal of harm.

It is not about the two Americas. It is about one political party, the Democrats. They are behaving like spoiled children in a grown up world because they lost the Presidency and control of Congress. This was not because of Russian hackers, but because  the Clinton/Obama years had failed to protect the interests of ordinary working people upon whom their party relies to win. Furthermore if there was any fallout from the Wikileaks disclosures it was not because a dodgy Clinton’s e-mails were hacked, but because she wrote them.

There is no doubt that Trump is what in England we might call a Marmite President. A unique flavour you either love or hate, nothing in between. But he is the President, he is clearly working at an astonishing pace for a 71 year old and he is doing his best. It is irrelevant whether you like his policies or not. It is also irrelevant whether there are screw-ups in a White House bedding down. But what is very relevant is the duty incumbent upon the smarting Democrats to be a responsible Opposition, which is both effective and dignified. America is not at war with Russia. Russia is not the Soviet Union. There is not a single western democracy in which politicians cannot talk to whomsoever they like, because that is what freedom is.

The Attorney General may have talked to the Russian Ambassador in connection with his congressional duties before he joined the Trump administration, and there is absolutely no valid reason anybody, outside the fetid cauldron of Democratic party despair, can see why he should not. He answered a question about  contacts at his confirmation hearing truthfully by saying he had not had contacts with the Russian government in connection with the Trump campaign.

Two final points. The Democratic Party of the United States, previously the one I have favoured from afar, is now a political train wreck and needs to do something about itself.  Second, if the fabric of the world’s leading democracy is so rotten that it can be destabilized by Russian hackers using methodology and algorithms within the competence of thousands of teenagers across the world, there is work to be done there too.