Archive for January 20th, 2017

Tor Raven: Gothic Crime From .99p Download £4.99 Paperback

Friday, January 20th, 2017

Two Tor Raven chillers  from £4.99 Paperback and from .99p Download. This is terrific value for page turning quality reads. Get your copies now and enjoy a break with relaxing drama on your phone, tablet or in hard copy. Click links at the end of each synopsis.

Whilloe's First Case

St.John Whilloe is the black sheep member of a wealthy legal family, whose firm of solicitors looks after the affairs of many of the top families in the country. He is consulted by a young woman who claims to be frightened by her husband. Things are not as they seem and St.John finds himself drawn into a complex web of intrigue and murder. He is soon in a race against time to solve a mystery with roots in a tortured family history, with sinister paranormal undertones.

     US        UK

Satan's Disciple

An English village slumbers on the Surrey/Sussex borders, but the pastoral exterior hides a number of nightmare secrets. The return of a young man, Philip, after a long absence stirs memories of the horrific murder of his mother and uncle years earlier and of an ancient curse delivered upon the family in Napoleonic times. The villagers’ unease grows as Philip embarks upon an affair with the local farmer’s daughter, and a series of mysterious deaths follows in his wake. Soon anxiety turns to fear as they sense evil in their midst. Could Philip be in league with the Devil? Set in the 1920s and full of authentic period detail, this is a tale which will haunt readers long after the last page has been turned.                             US        UK 

Trump: The World Holds Its Breath

Friday, January 20th, 2017

Never since the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln has so much in the free world hinged upon the intentions of one man coming fresh to the Presidency. Freedom then was a very different concept to freedom now, but Lincoln set in train a change of direction for the United States which broadened the notion of what freedom meant and ultimately projected America to leadership of the free world. But Lincoln’s mission was achieved at enormous cost.

Now Donald Trump, the outlandish candidate who should not be chosen, would not be nominated and could not run and when all those predictions failed, would lose big and drag the Republican party down with him, is about to take the oath of office as the 45th President of the United States. He has not only won the Presidency, but he has delivered the rare victorious combination of Republican control of both the House and the Senate. Never in history has so much political commentary from so many seasoned pundits proved so wrong.

So now nobody dares predict what comes next. This blog believes there will be disruptive change and a new perspective both at home and abroad. At what cost we cannot tell, nor whether that cost will be justified by outcomes which reach out to those who have been left behind, as well as ease  tensions in a world where so much needs to be calmed. One can only hope that this billionaire’s ability to make a profit will attend him in politics as it has in business. We know he will leave the world and his country in a different place. The test is whether it will be a better one.