Archive for November 1st, 2016

Hilary Clinton: What is It With Her?

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

Surely one would have imagined that America would be borderline ecstatic at the prospect of following the first African American president with the first woman in the White House actually running the country from the Oval office? Yet there is turmoil, claim and counter claim, tens of thousands of emails, the FBI and the whole spellbinding unreality of the 2016 US election.

Why is this? Essentially because the Clintons have never been far from scandal in a long political joint career. Whitewater, the Clinton Foundation, various female staffers at the White House, Huma Abedin and her flash flick husband and above all Hilary’s extraordinary decision, brushed off as careless but in truth surely calculating, to run the world’s most powerful foreign affairs department through a private, rather than government, email server. When you stop and consider it, that is truly odd.

Trump’s misdemeanours are by comparison rather unsophisticated and straightforward, if repellent to many. But at least with Trump you are likely to get what it says on his tin. But the biggest problem of this election is that many serious and patriotic Americans feel Hilary’s tin is a can of worms and they worry.

So should we.