Archive for July 28th, 2016

Transatlantic Thriller: Purple Killing

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

Dr. Rachael Benedict is an American historian and a best-selling author. Through the death of her estranged father she sets out to expose secrets from World War Two, which are so sensitive they have been subject to an extensive cover-up lasting seventy years.  This provokes a killing spree as parts of the security services of both Britain and the United States become engaged in the drama, with one side determined to get the secrets out and the other determined to keep them hidden.
Rachael battles forward to unearth the truth both from intrigues of the Nazi era, but also within her own family, surviving three attempts on her life, before finally achieving her goal. Not only does she expose the truth from history and from her own roots, she has to delve deep into her own emotions to find the truth about herself.

Click on image for uk.          Click here for US

US Election Goes Critical

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

The US election now moves to the critical phase. It is no longer two contests to determine who are to be the candidates.  It is one fight to decide on who gets to be President.

On the one hand we have the first woman so nominated in American history who is also said to be the most qualified and experienced ever to stand; a Deep South lawyer who has been First Lady, a New York Senator, Secretary of State and in her spare time a Mum. She will be a safe pair of hands, compassionate and committed. She should walk it to Washington. Yet there is in the way her mirror opposite.

A man without any experience of politics, a rank outsider who fuels anger then rides on the energy it creates, a billionaire loudmouth who says what the crowd want to hear, who says terrible things about minorities and Muslims, who does unspeakable stuff like talk to Russians, yet who  bulldozes obstacles arrayed before him, turns disaster into triumph and mobilizes millions of voters nobody else seems to inspire.

So the voters of America have a clear and distinct choice. Which they will chose even they cannot yet tell. The fight will be furious, dirty and distracting. But for those watching from across the pond, it will never be dull.

Labour: A Better Way Forward

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

Product Details

Turn Left To Power is an explosive dissertation in book form offering a fundamental redirection for Labour’s return to power, with bold ideas for a new economic and social settlement, including economic and taxation reform, restoration of responsibility in government and a renewal of democracy. Full of detailed information, hard facts and the results of thorough research and deep thinking, the narrative will grip you like a thriller and open your eyes to a brighter, fairer future in a mere 25000 words. The ideas are relevant whether Brexit goes In or Out. Frank and at a times brutal, Turn Left To Power offers a collection of fundamental reforms which amount to a political revolution which can propel Labour back to government in 2020.

Check it out now. Paperback £4.99   Kindle £1.99     AMAZON UK

New Labour Dead and Gone

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

The saga of the Labour leadership continues to play out and there may or may not be a drama in store later when the court decision on Jeremy Corbyn’s eligibility is to be announced.

However yesterday was very important. Owen Smith, who is supported by almost all the parliamentary Labour party, laid out a manifesto which couched in detail a programme far to the left of anything heard from the party for nearly twenty-five years. This was not centre ground stuff at all and had it been Milliband’s offer in 2015 he would have won. But New Labour was still living then and tied his hands.

This blog’s criticism would be that Smith’s offer did not sufficiently address in a modern way the challenge of restoring the UK’s industrial strength and create new wealth in depth fairly shared by all. Maybe he needs to read my book  Turn Left For Power.