Archive for March 31st, 2016

Book Sale: Bargain. Downloads and Paperbacks

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

Tor Raven thrillers are on sale from £4.99 Paperback and all 99p Download. This is terrific value for page turning quality reads. Get your copies now and enjoy relaxing drama on your phone, tablet or in hard copy. Click links to browse and buy.    UK     USWhilloe's First Case

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Trump Crashes: He Would Punish Women!

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

So it has happened! He would punish women who had abortions. No matter that he U turned and changed to it punishing doctors. The damage is done. Let us say it again. This man who aspires to be President of the United States would ‘punish women’. That he should even think such a thing, let alone be stupid enough to say it, makes him unfit for purpose as leader of the free world.

This blog has been tolerant of Trump and at times even complimentary. But no longer. If America were to choose this man it would enter a strange world in which it would be impossible for its President to visit the country of its closest ally Great Britain, and probably most of Western Europe. Its leadership of the West would be forfeit and would stay that way for so long as the Trump Administration lasted.

America now has to get a grip. It has exposed itself as angry and ungovernable under a constitution which is beginning to look ridiculous in a modern world. It is the home of all which people admire and aspire to. Yet  while people all across the world love Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter, power their lives through Google and swoon over Hollywood and love their American friends above all others, they recoil from what America has become as a society and an example. Like a drunken host in a beautiful home, slowly the party guests murmur polite excuses and drift away. A country which is full of pro-lifers who nevertheless demand the constitutional right to arm themselves to kill their neighbours has very big issues, long overdue for attention.

Punish women. Dear me.