Archive for December 3rd, 2009

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Bank Bonuses

The Government must get a grip. These bonuses are preposterous. Earning a million a year out of taxpayers funds is unacceptable. These banks and bankers would be bust, but for our money. They threaten to go abroad. Let them go. The greatest mistake we make at the moment is the fiction that this activity is beneficial. It is not. It is destructive, corrosive, anti social, immoral and greedy. Countries which practice it least have done better in the recession than those which do it most. We do it most of all and are the last to emerge from the decline.

The board of RBS have threatened to resign if the bonuses are not paid. Come on! Deny them the chance. Sack them all today. The time for this blackmail, hijacking of public resourses and tom foolery is over.

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Condolence Letter

I do have more than every sympathy with those brave families who have lost their loved ones fighting in Afghanistan. I think it is remakable that the Prime Minister sends each a personal letter. I do not think it remarkable  that now and again something goes wrong. When it does I find the complaints, often personal, about Gordon Brown, ungenerous, unkind and uncalled for.