Archive for December 2nd, 2009

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009


What a relief to hear that those plucky young men and their boat have been set free. Their families will feel the lifting of that dreadful pall of fear and worry.

This is good news too for signals coming out of Iran. Much mischief could have been made of this, but the authorities were punctilious and fair. This is potentially more important than the wild declaration to build not one or two, but ten new atom plants. The latter was clearly designed for home consumption to outflank the hawks. The former is a message to the world at large and to us in particular.

I have argued for some time that our policy towards Iran is wrong. Maybe this is a good moment to re-think.

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

More Troops

Obama was right to take his time. Unfortunately whatever he decided will risk being wrong. Once you embark upon an ill-planned, flawed war, that fails in its primary objective (getting Bin Laden), whatever you do will have a large measure of failure thereafter. The bitter element is that it costs lives of innocent civilians caught up in the conflict and it kills brave troops doing their duty by their country.

Although like Johnson before him with Vietnam, Obama did not start either front of the Iraq/Afghan wars (both triggered by 9/11, the biggest strategic trap into which the West has fallen for a hundred years) but he is left with the mess to resolve. He and his doubting country, will hope, as we surely do here, that a surge will bust the will of the Taliban. This  will enable the Karzai government to discover the integrity to rule its country without corruption and enable its forces to maintain a lasting peace.

This looks perilously close to armchair strategy. From my armchair I see a Taliban bolstered by the ‘invasion’ of more foregn troops, putting up a helluva fight, then melting away, to give the illusion of stability. The foreign troops will come home (remember Vietnam?). The Taliban, or its successors will then return, the new state will collapse and Karzai will hang from a lamppost.

The only thing to prevent that might be if the Taliban came into Government now as the dominant partner and we did an economic deal with them to transform the living standards of their people. But then to do that would be to admit failure. But and a much bigger but, it would stop further bloodshed, reduce regional tension and would not need more troops.

There is only one  prospect in Afghanistan. Mission failure. We might as well have it now as later.