
In modern civilised culture torture has no place. Neither does wrapping oneself in explosives as a fast track to heaven, killing and maiming innocent civilians in the process, including women and children. To discover who is plotting and planning, intelligence services step over the line. To gain recognition or some other political ambition frustrated by vast obstacles, young idealists do the same. Torture by security services comes off the same shelf as suicide bombing. Neither is justified. Each will create more of the other.

M15 is probaly one of the most successful and certinly most experienced of the world’s security services. The values that it protects on behalf of our country are certainly the best. Unfortunately neither it, nor our country, always live up to the standards we ourselves set and proclaim. When found out we deny, lie and confuse. It is time to bring about some improvement to regain the moral authority to appeal to reason from the suicide bombers. It will be difficult to be heard but without improvement it will be impossible.

2 Responses to “”

  1. Annett Cione says:

    Good thorough ideas here.I’d like to suggest taking a look at a lot around the idea of graphic bomb. What do you think?

  2. Shyla Kozak says:

    Very useful site. Nice piece of info, you describe the topic very well

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