U.S. view of U.K Army.

Wikileaks reveal that America thinks what this blog has always suggested; our army is not very good at fighting either in Iraq or in Afghanistan. This is not to question that our troops are of the highest calibre of bravery and dedication. What is at fault is their equipment, their leadership and their strategic political direction.

This is not new. Down through the pages of history the army has a mixed record. Wars have been won, but many battles lost. This is because we are not a land power. For that reason it is wrong for us to project such land power and invade other countries. It represents a foreign policy way out of line with the reality of military capability. What is very wrong indeed, wicked even, is the sacrifice of young lives in this way. War can be glorious. But if brave troops are sacrificed because of failings higher up or flawed objectives, it comes close to murder. Of our own. We need to stop and think about that.

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