The Environmentalists

This is a new thread where this Blog identifies an issue to think about, but for the moment reserves its position.There was an interesting programme on Channel 4 (U.K.) last night which explored how environmentalist campaigners had, with the best of motives, opposed things like nuclear power, GM crops and so on, which  have caused policy changes which in turn have led to negative outcomes for both people and the environment; in other words there has been harm when good was intended. Among those providing the evidence were some well known and dedicated campaigners, who, in the light of new evidence, had changed their position. 

This does not mean people should stop protesting, nor that science should be let loose in all directions. It does mean, perhaps, that none of this is easy or allows simple, or negative solutions. There are a multiplicity of apparently separate, but in fact inter- related, challenges facing humanity. The ways forward may not always be the ones we would choose and we may have to accept a downside to get an upside. Two things are certain. Which way round the downside and the upside are to be will be hard to agree and, in any event, you cannot have the one without the other. Young minds need to dwell on this. It is their future.

One Response to “”

  1. Margo Mull says:

    Interesting reading. Very helpful, you describe the topic very well

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