The Senators are Back

They really do not get the message, these guys. It is not in order for American Senators, however distinguished and whomever they represent, to badger and cajole a Sovereign Government of a foreign country, itself a constituent part of another Kingdom. The Americans may not like the decision the Scots made, nor agree with the motives nor like it any which way they look at it, but they have to accept it, because it is beyond their power and their remit. It is odd that they simply cannot see that.

Alex Salmond will no doubt be courteous but firm when he says no. He can go on and say that while the Senators may see nothing which is not in the public domain or available under our freedom of information statute, they may see everything that is. That should be that. Knowing these Senators it will not be. Until after the mid-term elections. After those are over, either it will no longer matter, or they will no longer hold office.



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