BREXIT CRISIS: Sovereignty

As it becomes obvious that economically the best option is to stay in the EU, the hard core Brxiteers or nationalists as this blog likes to call them, are more an more falling back on sovereignty as their red line. But that too is an illusion.

Because in the EU we have power over the destiny, economy and future of all Europe. As one of the three great powers of the EU we have the veto over ventures like European armies and more federalisation. Nothing of significance can happen without a yes from GB.

Moreover we can travel live and work in any of 27 countries, move capital, own property, sit on the governing councils, elect EU MPs, the list is long and good. We lose all that to become more sovereign over muddled stuff in our heads while the real world will move on without us.

Surely nobody with their wits about them wants that?

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